Every warehouse supervisor knows they must make the most of what they have, and that is exactly what a push back system is designed to accomplish. It may not be the perfect system for everyone, but in many situations, no other option will accomplish what a push back rack can in a compact space. There are many reasons people choose this as their storage solution.
Maximize Available Space
Push back pallet racks operate by doing exactly what their name suggests. As each pallet is loaded, it pushes the one previously loaded to the back. Remove the front pallet, and all others will slide one cart forward until the rack is empty. It is a first in, last out type of system.
Warehouses can use this system to store their merchandise from two to six pallets deep, depending on their needs. It is even possible to have shelving that is 12-pallets deep by aligning the rows back-to-back. Push back systems reduce the number of aisles needed to retrieve pallets, and they prevent any dead space between the pallets when they are slid onto deep shelving.
Improve Retrieval Flow
Systems of this type make retrieval of pallets easy due to how they are loaded and unloaded. Organize the sections so a single row is used for items that will be removed at the same time, or add pallets with items that have the same SKU. Good organization reduces the amount of damage to merchandise because the items are handled as little as possible.
A push back system is also easy to customize for the most efficient usage. The user determines the rack depths and the height of the shelving. Install the system in one section of the warehouse or use it throughout for the greatest impact. It is even possible to design the racks to work alongside other pallet rack systems.
Save Some Money
All companies need to economize without sacrificing what they need. Push back racks save money because they do not require lift trucks or specially designed retrieval equipment. A forklift is all that is needed to load and unload the pallets from the shelving. It saves money without increasing the amount of effort or time required to accomplish the same tasks.
Reducing the amount of equipment in the warehouse saves on the initial purchase of the item as well as the repairs and maintenance of each. It also reduces the amount of space needed to store and care for the equipment, so square footage in the warehouse is utilized for storage.
Improve Safety Records
Prevent some injuries with a push back system. Only a single lane is needed to load and unload pallets because everything is done on one side. A single forklift lane allows the warehouse manager to establish a directional route, so there is a lower possibility of accidents due to less congestion in the aisles.
Increased horizontal storage enables some companies to lower the height of their racks. Lower shelves do not block the overhead lighting as much as taller units. A bright work area can help to reduce the risk of tripping over floor hazards as well as some slip and fall incidents.
A push back system is made to work in any environment and is not sensitive to temperature extremes. In fact, it is one of the most popular choices for the food service industry.
Lone Star Pallet Rack
offers this as just one of their pallet rack options. Redo an entire warehouse or try out a small area of racks to determine if this is the right option for you.
Contact us today to learn more about the warehouse solutions we have available or to get a quote for your business.