Although forklifts are valuable equipment in a warehouse, they account for 70% of pallet damage, according to Polymer Solutions International. Pallet damage is costly and can take a toll on your bottom line by increasing repair and replacement expenses. Fortunately, warehouses can take measures to prevent pallet damage to lower costs and increase profitability. Learn six simple and effective ways to protect pallets from forklift damage.
Use the Right Pallets
An inappropriately sized and weighted pallet is more vulnerable to forklift damage. Therefore, ensure that your pallets are suitable for the weight and size of your products. Also, correct weight distribution is vital to guarantee the pallet operates optimally and remains stable on the forklift.
Notably, the type of pallets you buy affects the pallets' performance and susceptibility to damage. Plastic pallets are sturdier and durable compared to wood and can withstand heavy use. Pallets with features like beveled edges and reinforced legs and decks reduce forklift damage.
Declutter Your Warehouse
Decluttering protects pallets from forklift damage and promotes workers' safety, enhances your warehouse's aesthetics, and streamlines operations. Decluttering ensures that operators have ample space for navigating the warehouse without bumping into other pallets, debris, and equipment. Forklifts can shake when driving over debris, compromising the driver's safety and causing undue pressure on pallets.
Handle Pallets Properly
Develop policies on the appropriate forklift and pallet handling to foster responsibility. For example, enacting speed limits for forklifts allows the safe handling of pallets and lessens short forking and incorrect tine spacing. Decelerating when picking up, setting down, and stacking pallets can go a long way to prevent pallet damage. Speed limits also reduce forklift issues and prolong their life.
Invest in Training
First, hire trained and licensed operators since they use the forklift efficiently and safely to reduce accidents, incidents, and asset damage. Untrained operators are likely to operate forklifts haphazardly and harm pallets in the process.
Second, provide ongoing training using pallet manufacturer manuals, videos, and online resources. Training helps operators develop and maintain good pallet handling techniques such as lifting pallets rather than pushing them, stacking pallets evenly, and avoiding short forking.
Poorly stacked pallets, for instance, can damage the pallet and product since the edges of the bottom pallets carry more weight than recommended. Similarly, while short forking saves time when moving pallets, it harms the pallets since only a small part of the tines hold the pallet. As a result, the pallet's front endures the pallet's weight, leading to improper weight distribution that may crush products.
Label Your Equipment
Label your racks with their maximum weight. Similarly, let operators understand the capabilities of their forklifts to avoid overloading and damaging pallets. Color tines to increase visibility and ease the loading process.
Coloring also helps to monitor pallet damage caused by forklifts since a conspicuous mark is left on the pallet when a forklift hits it. As such, you can repair any damages promptly and train operators accordingly, depending on the frequency of accidents.
Maintain Pallet Racks
Pallet racks are invaluable in any warehouse or distribution center as they maximize storage space, increase efficiency and productivity, and promote the safety of both workers and goods. Nonetheless, pallet racks need frequent inspection and maintenance to keep them functional and protect the pallet and goods. Forklifts may damage pallet racks when cornering, lifting, or setting a pallet down.
A damaged rack can hurt the pallets it holds and cause safety risks for workers. Therefore, inspect your racks regularly for damage or signs of wear and repair or replace them as needed. Using the racks appropriately will increase their life and reduce costly repairs.
Pallet racks offer safe storage for pallets and contribute significantly to preventing damage. Contact Lone Star Pallet Rack for new and used pallet racks in Texas. We offer a broad selection of pallet racks and install them professionally.